Monday, January 5, 2009

Holiday's over

I had grand ideas about getting up super early and getting to work super early so's I could go work out over lunch and still leave work at my normal time...otherwise I have to stay late to make up time.



I could barely get my ass UP, let alone early. I am so undisciplined. I guess another thing to work on with myself... add to the list of things to work on or fix 'bout myself! (insert eye roll)

Anyway - I got to work and found a plate of goodies on my desk from this nice man I work with. His wife and 3 daughters made stuff for his co-workers. Guess what I ate all afternoon? So much for the gym!

Dr. Wheeler called and says my mare's blood work is perfectly normal. I was hoping for something to show up - something we could "fix".

It is still friggin' cold and dark out and my motivation to do much of anything is in the negative numbers.

Oh- and Furry Husband and I are trying not to drink on week nights to assist with healthy eating habits and total number of calories consumed or something. Sigh. I sure could go for some al-key-hol right now.

Here is a cute video of Itty Bitty Opal Kitty. (my first blogger video) In walks Robinella Buzzer-bomb and you can hear a goat....

It does sorta make my mouth twitch spastically and sporadically upwards into some semblance of a smile... still wish I had a beer or something in one hand. You probably won't find it as amusing... but whatever. You have your al-key-hol.

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