Monday, December 29, 2008

Back to work!

Well not really cuz here I am posting!

I found a new blog - love it! It's over to the left under "Keepin' me Happy" - check out Works by Tracy Helgeson. I haven't read everything but so far, the posts she's written really ring true to things from my life. She is brave and writes about her experiences. Me? I'm a big chicken! I stay hidden behind inconsequential things and humor more than anything...

I find it interesting that the blogs I like the best are by artists. I am a big fan of My So Called Life in France and I really like Richard Thompson's blog - he is an illustrator and comic strip writer.

Don't you think that is sorta wierd?

My other fave is Mugwump Chronicles - she is a very talented writer and she trains horses. Oh wait - and she DOES do cowboy art - I forgot - so yeah - she is an artist as well!

Tho I also think writers are artists. Especially when what they write creates pictures in your mind, gives you an escape or they are able to move you in some way with their craft.

Horse training and riding is really sort of an art form too. It is a relationship and a partnership with a 1,500 - 2,000lb animal - a sort of dance if you will - some do it beautifully and others not so much. A lot of riding is feel - you could mechanically go out and do X, Y and Z but it doesn't mean you will have a beautiful looking ride. You aren't sitting on a machine punching buttons. You are working with an animal that thinks and reacts and is LETTING you sit on his back. You'd be crazy if you thought you could out muscle them but many times you have to out think them or finesse them.

Just like with art or writing - you have to use instinct and feel to create a beautiful ride, to stay on and to keep your dance partner willing and happy to work with you.

I suppose I'm just a big ol' wannabe artist! Love art and the stories behind why they came to be... what the artist was feeling or telling or capturing - what they wanted to say.

I almost went to art school in IA I think instead of CSU to the agriculture side... I don't know if anyone even knows that other than my highschool art teacher and I can't even remember her name. I can see her face in my head right now but I can't remember her name for the life of me.

Isn't it interesting? All the choices we have in life and the roads they take us down? What would my life be like right now if I had gone to art school? How different would everything be? Sorta mind boggling to think about...

I'm glad I have the life I chose. I love my little, funny goats and all the cats and dogs and my horses... I love riding and working on my Dressage even tho' no one ever really sees it - it gives me so much - feeds my soul if you will ... and I absolutely LOVE my Furry Husband. Wouldn't change any of it.

What are your favorite blogs and why?

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