Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Rosso and the Pony
Happy New Year's Eve!!
I am just enough of a dork that I bought New Year party favors... I have plenty o' glow stix that you can make into bracelets and necklaces and I have strobe light blinking Happy New Year pins from flashing blinky for everyone and then some.... the waitstaff at Beauregards always likes a little bling on such a busy night.
And it just wouldn't be New Years without a big ol' pimple on my face! I have a nice big, red, noticable pimple on my left cheek... right on the apple... you know that area you are supposed to put your blush on? Yup. Right there. Big and red and pulsing for everyone to see. I guess it didn't want to miss out on the festivities tonight.
Every time I get a pimple that big, I think of my old college roomie, Ellie.
Once I had a pimple on my chin that seemed to go on and on and on - it was huge and Ellie said it had become such a part of me, I should name it. She began calling it Janet.
Ellie was older than me and in graduate school for writing. She was really different. I have a lot of Ellie stories.
Ellie used to come into the bathroom when I was taking a bath and tell me I had SUCH nice limbs. She wasn't coming on to me or anything - and I think in college and living with people, you are used to little or no privacy. I dunno... maybe it was just me? It didn't really bother me... I mean we were all women and had the same parts. I'm not so willing for anyone to see me nekkid now... now I sag. Now I have a roll. I named it Sheila... see? Ellie is with me always!
I guess it was kinda wierd. shrug. I took it as a compliment. I have nice limbs! Or did... maybe they aren't so nice anymore now that I am an old bag?
I had this cat named Little Kitty at the time. Ellie always told me that Little Kitty looked like Elizabeth Taylor and she'd like to make love to Little Kitty. Hmmm. Yeah. THAT one was wierd. Personally I never did see Little Kitty's resemblance to Liz Taylor. I mean, Little Kitty's wardrobe was sorely lacking....I don't think Ellie ever did sleep with Little Kitty in the biblical sense cuz Little Kitty wasn't that type of cat. She woulda scratched the holy hell outta any human trying that sorta funny bid'ness with her.
Ellie was o.k. I guess --- just odd. She was tidy, never hurt me, never stole anything or ate my food and she paid her rent so who was I to complain? My boundaries and what I was willing to put up with were really different when I was young vs. now when I am old and crotchety.
A guy I dated at the time told me I was a "dirtbag magnet" cuz wierd people tended to come up to me out of the blue and start talking to me... maybe that is how I ended up with Ellie as a roomie. She wasn't what I would call a dirtbag, just different.
This next Ellie story is sorta gross so if you are squeemish about bodily functions you might want to stop reading....
One day Ellie called me crying. She was always calling me and crying about something. I'd listen to the story and try to offer her some comforting words. I always hung up and shook my head once the call was over.
This particular morning she called me and was crying ...
"Shanster! I'm at so-and-so's house and I put 3 tampons in myself... 'whimper'.... I can't get them out!!"
"Ellie! What am I supposed to do about it?! Go to a doctor!"
"But it huuuuurrrrrts! 'sob' "
"Well, yeah, I'm sure it does! (horrified pause) I can't help you... you HAVE to go to a doctor! Ellie! Why did you put THREE in?!?
"All so-and-so had in her bathroom were the light flow kind and I'm really heavy flow! (more sobbing) I didn't want to have to change them every 30 minutes and now I can't get them all out! "
I never asked her how she got them out but I don't think she went to the doctor. I dunno, maybe, to this day, there is still a stray light flow tampon in Ellie's hoo-ha? I wonder if she named it and ever wrote about it?
Have a very safe and wonderful New Years - all the best to you in the 365 days to follow!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Enigmas are usually expensive
I called Sera's regular vet who was out on vacation when this tying up incident happened to fill her in. She is thinking on it as well. Two brains are better than one...
I plunked down the $$ for my new used saddle last night! It needs to be re-flocked and the seller lowered the price by the cost of the re-flocking for me. (re-flocking means re-doing all the stuffing under the saddle ) AND the store was giving a 10% off all consignment saddles before the end of the year so every little bit helps!
Hopefully the Stubben saddle I put up for consignment will sell soon. It is being test ridden by someone who likes it, it fits their horse and I hear their trainer is a notorious Stubben lover. Sounds promising! Keep your fingers crossed.
Laurie and Tom came to get Norman this morning - he was ECSTATIC to see them - put himself in a right state I tell you! Now Punkin, our orange tabby cat, can come down from Furry Husband's dresser. She's been up there since Norman arrived. I think I heard the collective sigh of relief from our 6 felines all the way at work!
Alls well that ends well...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Back to work!
I found a new blog - love it! It's over to the left under "Keepin' me Happy" - check out Works by Tracy Helgeson. I haven't read everything but so far, the posts she's written really ring true to things from my life. She is brave and writes about her experiences. Me? I'm a big chicken! I stay hidden behind inconsequential things and humor more than anything...
I find it interesting that the blogs I like the best are by artists. I am a big fan of My So Called Life in France and I really like Richard Thompson's blog - he is an illustrator and comic strip writer.
Don't you think that is sorta wierd?
My other fave is Mugwump Chronicles - she is a very talented writer and she trains horses. Oh wait - and she DOES do cowboy art - I forgot - so yeah - she is an artist as well!
Tho I also think writers are artists. Especially when what they write creates pictures in your mind, gives you an escape or they are able to move you in some way with their craft.
Horse training and riding is really sort of an art form too. It is a relationship and a partnership with a 1,500 - 2,000lb animal - a sort of dance if you will - some do it beautifully and others not so much. A lot of riding is feel - you could mechanically go out and do X, Y and Z but it doesn't mean you will have a beautiful looking ride. You aren't sitting on a machine punching buttons. You are working with an animal that thinks and reacts and is LETTING you sit on his back. You'd be crazy if you thought you could out muscle them but many times you have to out think them or finesse them.
Just like with art or writing - you have to use instinct and feel to create a beautiful ride, to stay on and to keep your dance partner willing and happy to work with you.
I suppose I'm just a big ol' wannabe artist! Love art and the stories behind why they came to be... what the artist was feeling or telling or capturing - what they wanted to say.
I almost went to art school in IA I think instead of CSU to the agriculture side... I don't know if anyone even knows that other than my highschool art teacher and I can't even remember her name. I can see her face in my head right now but I can't remember her name for the life of me.
Isn't it interesting? All the choices we have in life and the roads they take us down? What would my life be like right now if I had gone to art school? How different would everything be? Sorta mind boggling to think about...
I'm glad I have the life I chose. I love my little, funny goats and all the cats and dogs and my horses... I love riding and working on my Dressage even tho' no one ever really sees it - it gives me so much - feeds my soul if you will ... and I absolutely LOVE my Furry Husband. Wouldn't change any of it.
What are your favorite blogs and why?
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tying up...
I went out anyway because compared to the weather we'd been having, it is balmy and warm outside! I started with Rosso, the youngster. He was being a wild jungle animal - I tied him to the trailer and he was bucking and flinging his body back and forth. Sigh. I took him and tied him with two lead ropes in the small pen. (so if he pulled back hard and one rope broke, he'd still stay tied - or that is the idea anyway) Let him jump around all he wants til he settles down.
Went and got my mare Sera. Had a short ride - not really so much fun cuz of the wind - but at least my backside was IN a saddle and I was ON a horse. Rode for 30 min. - walk, trot, canter. Nothing hard. It sucked riding in the high wind and I don't like eating dust so the ride was pretty short and nothing difficult. I cooled her out, untacked her, groomed her and was taking her back to her pen when I saw she was tying up. Great.
Tying up is when the muscles sorta lock up. Think of your whole body getting a big ol' muscle cramp. It's like that and it's painful. It's not really known why it happens...
This is the second time she's done it. The first time was maybe 2 mos ago. Her bloodwork showed she was dehydrated... I chalked it up to a freak incident and we slowly started her back to work and she's been fine.
She isn't overwieght, she is not a Quarter Horse, HYPP isn't a factor. She is worked regularly and she is fit. There isn't anything in her diet that would cause it. If it were genetic, it should have shown up before now - she is almost 9. The vet is flummoxed. He took a blood sample and we'll test to see if she's deficient in a vitamin or mineral. He's going to look into polysaccharide storage disease and see about taking a deep muscle biopsy.
Anyway - with all of that going on. No clinic for me tomorrow. Sera is going to have a weeks rest and I'm giving her a dose of banamine tonight before bed and a dose tomorrow morning. I'll call the vet to let him know how she's doing.
Rosso never did get worked. I untied him - and by the time I got to him he was standing nicely so he had his own little training session today without me.
Hate it when your day goes like that... when something unexpected and unpleasant appears to gum up your afternoon. I was gonna ride and then take Kylee out to a movie. Instead we waited around for the vet, treated Sera, talked with the vet and will need to keep an eye on Sera tonight. I called Kylee and we'll see a movie tomorrow. I'm not going to the clinic so I'll have some extra time.
At least it's not life threatening and I do have Rosso to ride when Sera is under the weather.... oh - yeah, not taking him to the clinic tho'. He is too young and green for me to pay $$ for a ride with Debbie. It would sorta be a waste of her time, and a waste of my money. Won't take him to stuff like that til he knows a little more. I don't need to pay more money than my regular lessons for those baby steps in his training. I'll take him for my weekly lesson with Rex on Sunday tho'.
Remember how Tom and Laurie came over, Tom climbed up in our trees, cut all the dead branches and hauled them away as a thank-you for watching their dog over Christmas?
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
The Cozzola pies....
Pansy needs the little fork because she has an unusually tiny mouth....
Stick a fork in me - I'm done!
We played Horseopoly. I haven't played Monopoly since I was a kid. It's really hard to keep track of properties and count money when you've been drinking. Also - not quite played the same way. If you landed on a property with "houses" (straw bales) or "hotels" (barns) there was much swearing ... not like you coulda done that as a kid when you landed on your parent's Park Ave. "Hey - F-YOU Dad!"
We all laughed really hard, talked like Billy Bob Thornton in Slingblade or in the movie When Harry Met Sally... that time when Harry was telling Sally he'd like some paprikash on his pecan piieeeeee. Please. To repeat after me. Pecan pieeeeeeee.
Furry Husband brought home a new blue spruce Christmas tree for me. Not a decoratin' tree, but a real tree - it's small and we'll plant it in the spring. Hopefully we won't kill it like we did our last real Christmas tree.
We delivered Christmas cheese last night. I've been on a big cheese making kick - chevre and fromage blanc for Christmas instead of cookies for our neighbors. Some was flavored with basil and pine nuts, some with garlic and dill and I gave the Dailey's some honey and cinnamon flavored chevre cuz I think Bill has a sweet tooth. I have a couple more containers to flavor and hand out... and I'll make some more for us to eat over Christmas. I can't believe I was ever afraid of making that cheese. It is SO easy and SO tasty!
We are going to the Denver Botanic Gardens light display on the 27th and that is going to be KEWL. The people that put that together are amazing. It is so beautiful and creative. I love it. This year they have this lighted holiday trail in the woods... I'm really looking forward to seeing that and smooching Furry Husband under the misletoe.
Tonight we are going to our favorite neighbor's house to celebrate Christmas Eve. We get take and bake pizzas from Cozzola's - a local mouth watering pizzeria - we drink lots and lots o' wine ala Furry Husband and we play games. It is really cozy and comfortable.
Christmas - not so much this year. Funny cuz last year's Christmas was fine. Ignorance is bliss and all that. If you read Secret Life of Bees, there is this realization Lily has at the end that once the truth is realized, you can't go back.
I really hesitate to use this blog for doom and gloom cuz it's not usually who I am. I'm really not out looking for sympathy and I absolutely know that I have not cornered the market on wierd family dynamics. There are plenty of those sorta books out there "Wolf at the Table", "Running with Scissors", "Mommie Dearest", "Prince of Tides" ... who wants another sob story about dysfunction? We all have stuff. I just happen to be struggling with mine more than usual this year.
I went to the P.O. over the weekend to pick up what I thought was going to be a picture ticket cuz I went thru a 'lellow light, there was this flash and I thought - crap - photo ticket! I would rather have a photo ticket.
I got another letter from the IRS cuz they are after my Dad and I'm his power of atty so I get that kind of thing. How one person could fuck themselves so thoroughly and so completely I have no idea. So y'know it doesn't really help my gloomy feelings this year.
Maybe I should think of it as a Christmas greeting from the guv'ment? A little "Hullo! We are thinking of you!" I am so over it and so frustrated by it all that I threw the letter away at the post office. I probably shouldn't have, but the IRS is gonna do what it wants.
I got this Christmas picture from my sister with her new baby, Olivia yesterday. I wouldn't say this to HER, but it's in profile and she's looking down at Olivia... her hair is up sorta in a clip.... she has her glasses on.... um.... it looks like Sarah Palin is smiling benevolently down at Olivia. Ewww.
Anyway. Tomorrow is Christmas I will go to Denver and try to master or at least hide my "bah-humbug" attitude.
I keep wishing on the first star I see at night and I keep praying to whatever is out there... help me to just let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go. Let it go.
Doesn't help that it's been too damn cold to ride lately. The horses are really good at keeping all the above doom and gloom crap at bay. Tho' they ARE looking pretty smarmy these days. After all, thier hairless monkey servants appear each day to feed them, clean up after them and turn them out into the pasture...
I have a Debbie Riehl-Rodriguez clinic to look forward to on the 27th. Hopefully it won't be cancelled... better wipe that smug look off your face Sera, cuz this hairless monkey is gonna be loading YOU into the horse trailer!
Happy Christmas Eve - hope you enjoy the Christmas you want tomorrow!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Mike the headless chicken...


Monday, December 22, 2008
Getting to know you
1. Started your own blog (check - this one)
2. Slept under the stars. (been camping as a kid and in college - also recently tried to sleep in our hammock this past summer and the mosquitoes drove me inside - it is BUGGY out at night!)
3. Played in a band (I played clarinette in 6th and 7th and 8th grade I think - I pretty much sucked. Sounded like a goose getting a rectal exam.)
4. Visited Hawaii.
5. Watched a meteor shower. (Furry Husband will get me up all the time to watch meteor showers. OOO! One time he got home from his bar tending job in Denver at like 3A.M. He woke me up to see the red light in the sky. I thought he was insane at the time and rolled back over. He kept after me and I went out grumbling, thinking I was gonna see the stupid radio towers on the horizon... I was dumbstruck. The whole entire night sky was BLOOD RED. It was so incredibly cool and amazing. We watched it for maybe 15 - 20 minutes until it faded away. I've never seen anything like it before or since. The next day the paper said there was some borealis phemonenon in the CO/WY sky.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity.
7. Been to Disneyland - I've been to whichever one is in FL -
8. Climbed a mountain ( Furry Husband and I climbed the Soufrière volcano on St. Vincent during our honeymoon. It was a personal vendetta for Furry Husband cuz some loser on the boat told him, 'you will never make it in those shoes'. He did make it in those shoes. Also, we live in CO so any time we go hiking, we are pretty much climbing up something )
9. Held a praying mantis. (No but I held a trantula at the Butterfly Pavillion - does that count? Wouldn't come near the hissing cockroach they had tho!)
10. Sang a solo.
11. Bungee jumped.
12. Visited Paris.
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch.
15. Adopted a child.
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty. (went to see it, but I don't think you could go inside it when I was there??)
18. Grown your own vegetables. (yeah, I did. And then the veggies had BUGS on them and I would obsessively wash the vegetables for hours at a time. I realize the grocery store veggies probably have bugs too but I don't SEE them crawling around on my food. )
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France. (took our picture outside the Louvre - too late to actually go inside)
20. Slept on an overnight train. (took a f'ng nightmare of a ride overnight on a Greyhound bus 2 yrs ago when I visited my Pa in Omaha and a blizzard hit CO. My flight was cancelled and I was going to be stuck in NE for like a week... trains were full, no rental cars to be had, no flights til after Christmas... I'm lucky I made it back to CO alive. The bus driver was from Russia and began the trip saying in a thick Russian accent "there will be no number 2 on the bus". Caused hysterical 13 yr old potty humour laughter from the morons around me. The girl in front of me wore a skin tight see thru tank top - no coat - cuz it's December in NE for fucks sake. She passed pictures of herself in her bra and panties back and forth to the boys in the next seat while they all talked about how hot she was and tried to get her to have sex with them. The guy behind me kept talking about his nether regions and how big it was and how often he masturbates. He used many names for it. "Magilla gorilla" was pretty inventive. He pulled out his switchblade at one point and was showing it to the guy next to him. I thought if I got to CO with both my kidneys I'd be thankful. The guy next to him would hide any time there was a police officer in view of the bus at any of the many stops we made ... he would actually dive down and hide on the floor. I've never been so happy to see uniformed police officers in really bad moods barking orders at people once we got to the Denver bus terminal. I almost fell down and hugged the police man's knees I was so glad )
21. Had a pillow fight. ( I went to all girls catholic school. Whatya think we DID there anyway? rolling of eyes)
22. Hitch hiked.
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill.
24. Built a snow fort. (I grew up in NE so yeah)
25. Held a lamb. (no - but many goat kids!)
26. Gone skinny dipping. (Been to a NUDE hot springs in CO somewhere. A girlfriend talked me into going with her and her MOM and her MOM'S BOYFRIEND - why did I not see how wrong that was at the time? Anyway - my weekend adventure included sitting on the stairs of the cabin in my shorts and sweatshirt early one morning, eating my cereal when this old guy goes JOGGING past wearing socks and running shoes but nothing else. That is when I completely understood the phrase about the drapes matching the carpet. He was totally grey... um.... yeah. Totally. The other adventure included skinny dipping with my friend in the natural hot springs pool...cuz that is what you do at a naked hot springs. There was a really large older woman reading a book in a reclining pool chair. She had a shirt on but nothing else. It looked like there was a large grey possum in her lap.)
27. Run a Marathon (this will NEVER happen - NOT EVER - someone asked me once and I almost fell down laughing)
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset.
31. Hit a home run. (When I was on the Hillside All-Stars softball team in grade school... I kicked ass)
32. Been on a cruise. (Windjammer cruise thru the Grenadine Islands.)
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person.
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors. (What? You mean Omaha, NE?)
35. Seen an Amish community. (When I went to PA to see my really dumb boyfriend's family/hometown. We drove thru an Amish community. His mom had a gazillion cats in the house that peed on anything not covered with plastic. Seriously. At one point his sister left her Nintendo game box uncovered - the big hard plastic thing the size of a VCR you hook up to your t.v.? The 300 cats took turns pissing all over it. Totally gross. POOLS of cat urine. I have cats, but mine don't pee all over your stuff and if they did, they wouldn't live in our house. His mom also had a squirrel in a cage in her room. It was really, really, really wierd. We broke shortly up after that. We were in an argument and I said, 'Jim, stop acting so stupid!' He replied, 'Shanster, I'm not acting stupid. I AM this stupid!' He was completely serious. Yeah. Ahem. Sorry. I can't continue to date you any longer than I already have. )
36. Taught yourself a new language. (Learned how to say 30 things in French when we went there)
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied.
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing (Climbing anything higher than 2 rungs on a ladder scares the crap outta me. I did go rock climbing with people - I watched them climb with all their carabiners and ropes and harnesses. They TRIED to get me to climb)
40. Seen Michelangelo's David
41. Sung karoke. ("Me and Bobby McGee" at the Drager's neighborhood party. It was bad. Much funnier and a much better imitation when I'm in my car with the music blaring in my own private sound studio on wheels. Ask Furry Husband, I'm hilarious!)
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt.
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant.
44. Visited Africa.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance (flight for life actually - I was in this car accident where this drunk driver t-boned my car on the driver's side. I was the only one in the car which means I was driving. I don't remember any of it - well I sorta remember fighting the Dr.s telling them if they'd just leave my leg alone, it'd be o.k. I thought I was dreaming. I woke up in a hospital bed naked, an oxygen tube in my nose, a neck brace on and a cast all the way up to my right thigh. "uh, hello?... can someone tell me what just happened?"
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris ( the line was too long, there are scary guards with machine guns at the bottom. Keeping the line orderly I guess )
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (Snorkeling - on our honeymoon. The ocean is really loud when you go under the water! )
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business (trying! )
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia (in H.S. took a trip to Moscow, Lenningrad and Kiev - I mooned someone in Lenningrad out my hotel window. They ran to a phone kiosk and I freaked out thinking the KGB was gonna haul my arse away. Kept all the lights off and curtains pulled the rest of the night. Lenin looks like a wax figurine in Lenin's Tomb - I don't know if he's real or not cuz you can't trust what the communists tell you! Oh - here is the wierdest thing. In Moscow, to get a drink? They have (or had) these crazy vending machines. You put your $$ in, there is a GLASS - a real GLASS - the machine fills the glass up with the liquid of your choice. The person drinks said liquid and puts the glass back. Next person chooses whatever liquid they want, drinks up and puts the glass back. The lines are long and no one ever takes the glass! Boggled my 17 yr old mind. )
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout cookies
62. Gone whale watching. (Madame K is right. I went whale watching in Boston. There are 5-6 boats. When a whale is spotted, all boats go screaming over to the whale, circle it, and the air is thick with boat fumes and gasoline. The boats are jam crammed with people asshole to belly button. I mostly felt sorry for the whales putting up with all of it)
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter ( see # 46 I don't remember it. Been in a small 2 seater plane twice - from CO to Lake Tahoe and in AK to a cabin you could only get to via a little 2 seater plane)
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy.
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial (It seemed a lot smaller in person than it looks in the movies.)
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades (I was taken for a tour in some swamp in Mississippi - does that count? I learned that alligators love marshmallows. You can lure them to your boat with marshmallows! Sounds like an ad for the next "When Animals Attack" doesn't it?)
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London.
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle. (I dated this tiny, wee man named Ben. He had a motorcycle. Napoleon complex. 'Nuff said. )
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper (as a kid - standing in line for Santa's Workshop - The Omaha World Herald)
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House ( didn't go inside, but walked all around it, on the lawns and stuff. )
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating (we took Turkey Lurkey to a "processor" guy who killed her and dressed her out for us and then we cooked her. I could only eat one bite. I kept picturing her out in the yard chasing grasshoppers. I'm not so good at eating animals I know.)
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life (Furry Husband tells me I saved his when I married him. Awwwww - are you barfing yet? )
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous (I met Jimmy Connors - the tennis pro when I was 15. )
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person (horrible, horrible guv'ment conference held in San Antonio - I saw it. I was not impressed. I really didn't like that part of TX at all - it coulda been the horrid guv'ment conference but I don't think so.)
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. Read an entire book in one day
Friday, December 19, 2008
Going Deep
'Where's TC?'
'Eh, he musta gone deep'
You know when you are at a party and you've had all the fun you're gonna have? You want to leave so you can go pass out in your own bed or get sick in your own toilet? Or maybe it's a work party? You'd rather poke your eyes out with a fork than spend one minute more with the people they pay you to see 40 hrs a week.
No doubt, the minute you tell people good-bye, they all begin their pleading with you to stay... noooooo - don't go! Stay! Stay and party with us! It's no fun without you! Stay!
Next time - just go deep.
Simply wait for everyone to be otherwise engaged and quietly slip out the door.
Everyone continues having a great time and several hours later they look around... 'heeyyyy - wheresh Shanshter and that furry man she shleeps wif?'
'I dunno? They were jussssst here a *hic* minute ago?'
'There any beers left? Passh one over here - *hic*'
Everyone stays happy, by the time they realize you've left, they are too drunk to care and you don't have to fend off any pleas to stay.
It's called going deep. Use it. Embrace it.
You're welcome.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
1 lb of unsalted nuts - walnuts, pecans, almonds - whatever blows your skirt up.
1tbl water
1 egg white
1 tsp cinnamon (or to taste)
1 tsp salt
1 C sugar
1 capful of vanilla (you could use something else here depending on your taste - think cointreau - I like vanilla)
Mix the sugar, salt and cinnamon together and set aside.
Whisk the egg white til frothy but not stiff, add water and flavoring.
Mix the nuts in the egg/water/flavoring mix until they are shiny.
Pour the cinnamon/sugar mix over and gently fold until nuts are completely covered.
Place on a buttered baking sheet in a single layer.
Bake at 250 for 15 min.
Pull them out and turn them over, continue baking for another 45 min.
Cool and enjoy.
These things are ADDICTIVE. I made some for my Mom-in-Law and for my Dad... I have to package them right away or they disappear down my gullet...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Crazy Horse People...
You ride around in an indoor arena - still cold but at least sans wind. (Elizabeth and Mocha schoolin' hard)REALLY crazy people sit, watch you and freeze. (Peg, Rex, Carol and Robin looking every bit as cold as they probably are.) At least when you ride, you are exercising and staying sorta warm...
(My red-headed mare, Sera after her ride. ) And you stand around waiting for your sweaty horse to cool out and dry off so you can go home.
Fun times. Fun times.
Your Christmas Card from Shanster, Furry Husband et all
Merry Christmas!! Happy Holidays!! And here's to a spectacular NEW YEAR everyone!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Meow-ry Christmas!
At 2:47 a.m. Mojo came stumbling into our bedroom, jumped up on the bed - all 25 lbs of him and began his 'meowr' love song. He was purring, walking back and forth licking our noses and acting like the kitty version of those old Budweiser commercials where the drunk guy goes around hugging all his buddies saying, "I love you man!"
He finally laid down under the covers, stopped being such an annoying, drunken feline pest when all of a sudden....
(that noise dogs and cats make right before they puke?)
Furry Husband launched Mojo off the bed.
I think Mojo barfed mid-air.
Dude. No more late night catnip. Mojo is cut off. Kitty can't hold his nip for crap.
Holiday Horror

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I went to a class called "Principals of Meat Science" where I learned what was in the oreo cookie filling and what turkey hotdogs were made of.
And a lot of my friends are either fellow animal science people, veterinarians or have the same sick sense of humor that I do.
Now, on to my testicle collection!
It all started when I bought this Holsteiner foal in-utero. I worked 2 jobs to save the money to buy him and I had waited YEARS to have a warmblood horse. When it came time to geld him (neuter him) I didn't want any piece or part of this horse to go in the trash. I asked the vet if we could save Callaloo's testicles? She thought I was crazy but rolled her eyes and went along with it.
Our small animal vet got wind of my request and thought it was so funny that when a mutual friend had her rabbit neutered, the vet gave me Peter rabbit's testicles as a joke.
When we had our "show" dog, Booker, neutered because I was tired of the whole "Best in Show" dog show madness. (It is really like that in the dog show world. ) I figured - why not keep those too?
Mojo, our giant black cat, was neutered and heck - let's keep the collection going!
All the testicles have a side benefit of Furry Husband thinking I could pull a Lorraine Bobbit on him any time... I'm tellin' ya gals. Walk softly and carry many testicles.
Mojo in repose with his testicles in the foreground. I think kitten testes are very cute. They'd make good earrings don't you think?
All the testicles. Left to right: Callaloo the horse, Mojo the cat, Peter the rabbit and Booker the dog.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Carol of the bells
Winter has arrived - for a little while. I don't mind snow. This weekend is supposed to be in the 50's so it will be short lived. We really, really, really need the moisture. And snow makes the Christmas lights that much more purty.
The snow outside today made me remember this:
Yo. Yo. Yo - dawg, check it - check it out!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christopher Walken



I got it cut today. I hadn't cut for 3 months and I was having a grand ol' time with my straightening iron. Enjoying my "straight" hair. Straightening, straightening and straightening some more!


