Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Hello everyone - happy election day!

Now get your butts out there and VOTE!
'Specially all you women and people of color! Women weren't allowed to vote until 1920 and black people were thrown barrier after barrier to voting until 1965!! Get out there and use the rights people not so long ago fought really hard for us to have!!! I don't even care which side you vote for - just get out and VOTE dammit!

That's all I'm going to say 'bout that.

Furry Husband and I went out to get hay this weekend. Good gravy - think it about did us in. We borrowed Mrs. Kravitz's flatbed trailer and drove to Chamber's Ranch. The first load we stacked 116 bales, got home, unloaded 16 bales and cried "UNCLE"!

We went in for lunch, called our hay lady Ellie to see if her 15 yr old son would come help. She called us back that night and said he'd be out with a friend the next morning. We thought the bales were heavy at 75-80lbs but that boy knows hay and he said the bales were more like 100lbs. Yeah - no wonder it kicked our butts!

The two boys helped us unload hay and we went back for another 100 bales... came home, threw it off the trailer, stacked it and we are done for the year!!! I've said it before and I'll say it again, THANK GOD FOR 15 YR OLD FARM BOYS!!
Them boys got after that hay, dug right in and saved our tired old saggy asses. The work went so much faster with 4 of us vs. me and Furry Husband alone. Well worth the .50/bale they charge.
I HATE getting hay. Hard, dusty, sweaty work. I'm allergic to hay chaff/dust when I ain't never been 'lergic to nuthin' in all my borned days. Is this another sign o' my old age??? I even wear my little kerchief over my nose like when you played cowboys when you were a kid? My throat still gets all itchy and scratchy and I feel miserable.

My girlfriend Big M asked if I'd be going to the gym this weekend.
I went to the gym alright - the Agricultural gym out at Chamber's Ranch.
I'd like to see one of those teensy, tiny, perky, petite, little twenty-sumthin' trainer girls throwing and stacking 100lb bales o' hay!

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