Monday, March 15, 2010

3 Cheers!

This is supposed to be Rosso by the way.... Mango.... Rosso.... so similar and yet so different...
Took Rosso up to Rex's for my lesson on Sunday.

Was gonna take both horses but decided to take only him because I know me and if I took Sera, I would ride Sera leaving Rosso tied to the trailer.

I groomed him and tacked him up with no trouble. Took him in the indoor where Patty (The Groper's sister) was finishing up a lesson on her horse.

I lunged Rosso and he was good. Very obedient, one ear on me at all times showing me that he's listening and paying attention. I asked Rex how she thought he looked. she confirmed he looked good.

When I felt he was sufficiently warmed up, I took the lunge line off and asked Rex if she thought I should keep the lunge hooked up to one side of his bit so if he was bad and threatened to buck, I could jump down and make him WORK. She said he looked like he wouldn't offer up any trouble so I took it off.

Took him out to the middle of the arena... asked Rex if she thought I should bounce around in the stirrup before getting on... she said since he hasn't been ridden all winter it'd be a good idea.

I put one foot in, stood up, rested my belly over his back and patted his other side - he was fine - even cocked a hip to rest so I brought my other leg over and he stood still with his hip cocked, waiting for me to ask him to walk before walking.

That was awesome! Especially since that is his "thing"... juuuust as I got on he would twirl around til I lost my balance and crow hop til I came off.

My legs were a little shaky but not at all like last time when I simply couldn't deal with being on him. (I think that had a lot to do with the emotional state Iwas in dealing with a death in the family) I kept mentally rehearsing the info from a book I bought about riding/sports psychology and dealing with fear, I actively remembered ALL the other times I'd ridden him with no issues, knew he felt much better from the work we'd done on his back with the chiro/acupuncture DVM and I channeled thoughts of long, strong legs with purpose.

Rosso was round and even in my hands - nicely forward - good rhythm - very lovely. We went to trot - again - Rosso was perfectly forward, in my hands and working so nicely for me. We did leg yields on the circle, lots of changes in direction, a shallow loop on the long side of the arena with a leg yield to the wall, transitions down to walk and back up to trot. Rex wanted me to ask him for more push behind when he was really round and in my hands - when I asked Rosso for more, he gave me more! I got a nice working trot where Rosso was really over his back and pushing from behind. REALLY REALLY nice.

Rex asked if I thought he was tired or could he canter... he was tired and since he'd worked SO well, we decided to end it on that good note vs. really making him uncomfortable or over tired. I sort of wanted to canter to prove to myself I could but it's a fine line I think.
Yes, he should be submissive and do what I want, when I want.... but with all the issues he and I have had... and he worked so well, let's keep it comfortable and happy for everyone. I can canter next time.

I was walking him around to cool him out because he was all sweaty... I had him on loose reins...
and that is when he spooked...

He spooked pretty good - went down in front, danced around and I thought, "Oh shit... here we go!" I seriously had the mental image of me flying thru the air and Rosso bucking... I was a little unseated - not hugely - found my center and took up the reins. No big deal. We resumed walking.

I picked up contact and walked Rosso around in the scary corner. His ears stayed pricked and on alert but he listened to my thoughts of a long, strong leg and marched forward. I gradually let him back out on the long rein.

Rex thought THAT was huge - that he had an opportunity to get rid of me but he hesitated and let me find my seat and rein...

Afterward, I told Rex that the spooks don't bother me so much - but it's when they INTENTIONALLY try to dump you...(and do!) ... that is what really gets in my head with him...

I was super super proud of Rosso - oh, he was just great - and I was really glad for me.

I may still struggle with fear for a while but this was pretty huge - to have a good, solid ride on him like last winter. I really think a lot of that is from the chiro work and now I know... if he begins to be a bit fussy, have him checked out first - lots of horses can deal with smaller pain issues but he is obviously not one of those. grin.

He is a much more delicate flower.... heh. If he was a person, he'd wear black turtlenecks, French berets, talk with a lilting effeminate lisp and read poetry on open mike night.... not that there is anything wrong with that. I just need to remember he's not the stoic quarterback who is gonna take one for the team and play thru the pain!


Heather said...

YAY!!!!! I am so happy for you! This is just what you needed from Rosso! I am glad he was giving you such good work! Yes, there is a big difference between fear and bad behavior. A spook or snort seems to send the adrenaline pumping for both, but rarely turns in to an attack. However, bad attitude can escalate so quickly! I hope that as you gain confidence you will start being more comfortable pushing him a little at a time! I am glad your ride went so well!

Shanster said...

Hey Heather! You were really inspiring with your ride on Boomer outside the other day!! So you helped even tho' you are so far away!!

I felt such HUGE relief that I got up there and RODE him. It has just been eating at me all winter...

I was really happy all day long! Still am! Rex gave me a big ol' hug after my ride. Big sigh o' relief and happiness....

DebH said...

yeeegads...I was hurrying so fast to get to the end...worrying you had a flying tumble at the end. All was GOOD!! Yeah!! You definitely relayed your nerves to me while you described your ride. Sounded like you had a REALLY good go of it! Rosso has a big heart in that he let you get seated. Sounds like your boy was enjoying his outing as much as you! :)

Shanster said...

DebH - I think we both had a good time! I talked to a lady downstairs who went to SD last week - said she didn't see the sun once. Is it still gloomy and dark and sucking the happiness out of you? Maybe you should come to CO... grin Thinking of you!

DebH said... they said we would see sun. It isn't here yet and it is noon and it doesn't appear to be showing up. I think I am pretty level headed and I am ready to snap. I can't imagine the cranky people out there that could be close to "postal" at this point. I had a moment of sun the other night just before sunset..and I watched and watched and it felt GOOD..I definitely need a dose of Sun!!

Heather said...

My anxiety about riding Boomer outside starts on the drive to the barn. Getting over fear is hard, especially when the fear involves being out of control. I think you and I had the same issue there- The horse took control and we lost confidence.

I was talking to John on our Sunday trail ride about how the trail trainer taught Boomer to not be an ass and also gave him huge amounts of experience and confidence in new/complex situations and my dressage lessons have given me a huge amount of control in teaching me to get him reliably on the bit and listening to my aids.

Cheryl said...

Mango! I love Mango!

And I was going to say, as I read your post, sounds like Rosso might be hyper sensitive. Perhaps he sensed and was affected by your feelings this past year? I know whenever I was upset my kitty Jeffie used to come up and put his paw on my arm.

Shanster said...

Heather - Yes - the dressage helps and definately do I get myself freaked out over the "what ifs"... what if he bolts? what if I come off and he takes off down the road? what if what if what if...

I worked him Saturday at home on the lunge line and told myself I'd take him to Rex's to ride Sunday. Guess who was awake at 3am fretting over it? I still have a long way to go but this is a start. Once I feel confident again, we can begin to ride outdoors and I can begin taking him places... one foot in front of the other.

If I think about all that now I get freaked out - so I have to block it and focus on the right here and right now. Probably a good way in general to live life anyway! grin

DebH - ugh - you guys need SUN!!! It has been far too long without it!

Cheryl - it could be! A combo of his pain issues and then my emotional issues. He's definately a very sensitive boy. Aren't animals cool the way they know when we need them? Such a good kittie that Jeffie!

Heather said...

I'm a 'friend' of Jane Savoie on FaceBook and she sometimes posts things to help with fear. Recently she advised that when you start asking 'what if' to replace it with 'so what if...' and follow it with "I can handle it". I think the idea is to realize that even if your fears are realized, they aren't that big of a deal. "So what if Rosso bucks me off". "So what if Boomer spooks". We can handle it!!!