Sunday, August 9, 2009

Goat Obstacle Course....

oh - wait. This isn't a goat.
That'll do pig. That'll do.
Goat royalty. Aw man. I want a tiara.
Furry Husband wanted to take me on the ferris wheel for some good old fashioned smoochin'....

Ooooooo - Furry Husband and I are conferring.... is this contestant on steroids? Do we need a goat urinalysis over here?
This may have been one of the more reluctant participants. The look on this goat's face is classic...

Uh oh. I think these dudes are trouble.... check out the headband and sunglasses.

The stands are packed with spectators... all 2 dozen of 'em.
The course in it's entirety...
Fun was had by all.... well....OK. Mebbe not by some of the more reluctant goaties... they may not have had much fun.... but everyone made it through.


Anonymous said...

The video is hysterical! The goat absolutely does not appreciate those tires. My, what fun you have there!

Shanster said...

Dedene - most of the goats were fine with everything except those tires! They hated the tires!

Cheryl said...

He, he, it would be funny to hear what the goat is thinking. Tires? Why do I have to go through these tires?

The fair looks like it was a lot of fun :-)

olivia said...

LOL, that is awesome -- better than I imagined. :D

Shanster said...

And it only lasted an hour... which keeps it entertaining vs. painful!