Thursday, March 20, 2008


Spot is technically due tomorrow. I wrote her on the calendar to go today. She seemed totally unconcerned at feeding time - chowed down, looked completely calm.

Chocolat - the first doe that kidded? She was a total screamer - when the next doe kidded, she was a screamer - she is so freaked out by it all.

Anyway, she started screaming tonight - after we fed the babies their bedtime bottles, I told Dave I better take a look at the does. Well, lo and behold. Spot had one kid out and licked off with another on the way! The first one was all black with 2 really striking white bands on each cannon bone in the back - like 4 inch bands right in the middle. The next one was all white. Both are bucks... good size - our scale is messed up but I think they are around 8lbs.

Next investment is a weigh sling for the kids so we can use our hanging scale. We won't be investing in any security cameras - Chocolat is the perfect alarm!

Have a good night - we are just waiting for the colostrum (30 more minutes) and then we are off to bed.

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