Friday, April 14, 2017

The universe sends us messages

Went to the barn last night to ride my mare, Sera.  I have been struggling SO much with trying to figure out what to do.  I don't really want to show anymore.  It's not my thing... it's expensive and shrug...I just don't really CARE. 

I did when I was riding with Rex cuz it was a fun thing - a goal to shoot for and we were all in it together and it was what was expected or what I was supposed to do.  Shrug.  It was fine back in the day.

Now it's just me and yes yes yes... I could go show if I want.  It's just ... I don't really want to.  I'm not hugely competitive and that isn't really how I get my kicks.  And if I'm not going to show... well, do I need to take lessons regularly?  If there is no end goal and no event to train for... what is the point of lessons?  Can I just ride my horse and enjoy her and that is it?  Dunno.  Have felt very lost in this realm for a long time.

I go see her every day and check on her and feed her a supplement ... she is groomed and the farrier comes regularly and the vet when needed for vaccinations or whatever.  She has her buddies in the pasture now.  She is settled in and the green grass is growing and she is looking good with the winter coat shedding out...

Last night - I was getting all my things together to ride and this woman said, "Can I ask you a question?"  And I literally looked all around me - there was no one around - and said, Who?  Me?

She said, "Yes!"  She went on to tell me that she had just been to her first Dressage show and showed at Intro Level.  She told me her scores and they were all well into the 60's (a good score).  So I told her that was AWESOME and gave her a high five.  And then she asked if I rode Dressage... I told her I used to... but hadn't really in 2 yrs due to divorce and life bullshit but was getting back to it.

She told me I rode past her the other day... (and I totally remember that day cuz Sera was up and tense and unhappy to do that direction and I was thinking - gawd Sera, please don't be a shithead and dump me and run off in front of these people).  And she said after I rode past she told her friend ... oh, my, God - I want to ride like that person!  She was telling me about my seat and how it followed my horse and how I had such nice, elastic elbows... and my posture was just so upright and nice... she went on and on.

I was 1. embarrassed and 2. so fucking grateful.  I thanked her and told her she really made my night and thank-you so much for saying something.  It meant a lot to me.

And on my way home... after my ride... and even during my ride... I was thinking to myself. 

Here I have been thinking that I am unworthy to have a horse.  That because I sold my place and no longer live with my horse I am a failure.  All the people at the barn treated me like I was so much less once I was divorced... wouldn't talk to me, wouldn't look at me, people who once thought I knew something, now lecturing me like I was a child and didn't know anything...

And I bought it.  I bought it all.  Thinking I am stupid, a failure, what if anything do I know about horses or riding or anything to do with them, I don't deserve Sera...

And then the Loving What Is post I wrote about ... started at least thinking neutrally... or thought I was.  Until last night.

That lady saying that to me. 

It made me stop and think ... just because I was divorced and just because the people I'd known since I was a teenager... the people who I looked up to and thought of as family... just because they think certain things now, say certain things, act certain ways... it doesn't mean that you don't know anything. 

It doesn't take away from all the years and years and years of lessons, of clinics, of shows, of learning, or riding.  I still know those things. 

It's just now I am standing on my own and not relying so much on others.  Finding my own voice, my own way... and the universe is TELLING me these things.  And I have not been listening. 

I still don't know how to move forward with Sera... however, I still ride her and I still love her and she is still a part of me.  I will figure it out... in the meantime... I can simply enjoy my big red mare. 

I am just a woman with a horse.... with a nice seat and elastic elbows. 

heh - fuck yes!

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