Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'm cold. Quick - add another cat!

See? There IS a method to my madness. We don't even NEED heat in our house. A blanket and some cats. Cuts WAY down on the heating bill....
I met Kylee on Saturday. Meeting her made it real and making it real made it a little scary! She is great and I'm sure it will be fine... but y'know I'm 38, don't have children and haven't really experienced commitment like that. And uh, there is no backing out now.
They know what I look like!
They have my phone number!
We made plans for next Saturday. Kylee is coming over and we will explore our farm, make some dinner and rent a movie. We talked about things she likes and I think I have ideas to keep us busy, busy busy! I'm thinking about joining 4-H with Kylee and helping her with a dairy goat project. I DO have plenty o' access to goats after all.
Furry Husband and I went to a FABULOUS wine dinner at Harry & Sally's house Saturday night. We reminisced about our trip to Napa/Sonoma and had a blast. Their friends K & D came too. D is from Germany and speaks 102 languages. I think that is so, so cool.
However, D is unaware of any direct translation for "camel toe" in German, but she's going to do some research and get back to us. It IS an international phenomenon - everyone at dinner was in agreement about that.
***Ok - why in the hell won't blogger save my spacing??? I hate how everything runs together and no matter how many times I change it, or how much space I add, the changes don't save.

1 comment:

Jean Wogaman said...

Oooo - snugglies! I'm jealous. I can't have a cat. I'm allergic.