Thursday, October 21, 2010

TD pix and hula hoops

Group pix of everyone who passed the tracking test... Here is me with the Little Toe-ster along with the 2 judges and the woman who put in the track for us that day.

And... the really, BIG, EXCITING news?
I hula'd!
I asked for a hula hoop and a jump rope for my birthday. Wanted to move more but have fun and play a bit while doing it. I've never ever been able to hula in my entire life. Never.
I have to admit I Google'd "how to hula hoop".... I learned it was more of a side to side motion vs. an around around motion with your hips - other than that, the site told me to practice and good luck.
I pulled my hula out last night to practice.... and I did it! I hula'd!
I was able to keep it going and once I stopped, I could start it up again! Furry was chuckling cuz I couldn't put the hula down...
I was a hula hoopin' fool last night....
Maybe today I look up jump rope rhymes and jump rope tricks. Will they come back to me from my grade school days?


Melinda said...

Golly!!! You look great with your hula hoop!!! (grin)
Been awhile since Ive hula hooped. I used to be pretty good at it, but like I said..been awhile..

Heather said...

OK, now try hula-ing the OTHER direction! HAHA!!

Tonia said...

YEAH For Hula Hooping!!! I was good at it when I was younger.. I dont know about now...

Shanster said...

Melinda - pick it up again and show your grandkids!!

Heather - k - not quite ready for that yet...but I'll put it on my list! Just after hulaing with my neck... grin.

Tonia - go get yo'self a hula woman! grin.