Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bullocks Orioles are here!

The news exaggerated again... oh, we got snow.... just not the 10" they try to scare ya with. Maybe the snow brought the orioles? We were the refuge in the storm?

I put humming bird feeders out last week and noticed an oriole yesterday... we put out some oranges last night .... and voila! Bullocks Orioles

How many orioles do you count in this picture? There are 6! We had a dozen flying about!


DebH said...

What gorgeous birds..I would love a dozen of those out my window!!

Anonymous said...

They are gorgeous! I've never seen a bird like those.
I can't believe you got snow again. It's been very cold here but thank goodness, not that cold.

Shanster said...

DebH - we've been SWARMED and I do mean SWARMED - Hitchcock style with red-wing black birds lately. I was really excited to have these guys show up! Always fun to see someone new in the 'hood.

Dedene - Hopefully all the snow will be gone by the end of today... stay WARM!