Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What a party!

A big, huge thanks to the Divine Ms. K for having her camera cuz I sure didn't!We had a barn party the other night to watch the Las Vegas World Cup finals DVD. It involved LOTS of really good food, beer, wine, fun women and ummmm....

2 or 3 rides in on the DVD, Rex's gas detector went off with it's shrill ear drum shattering alarm. The message on the front read "explosive gas". (yes. there were fart jokes galore.)

The local fire department arrived with 2 flashing trucks. They brought out the sniffers and checked Rex's house.... turns out the place was clean and it was probably a faulty detector.

Better safe than sorry and all that.

But who DOESN'T like lookin' at all them young, buff, firemen in the middle of the night, after throwin' back a few?

No, no - you must come away from the fireman... c'mon now, back in the house with you!

Once the firemen left, our DVD watchin' resumed....

Really. I AM having fun... I swear.


Cheryl said...

Firemen!!!! Lucky you! L. and I have thought about doing that, leaving the stove on, etc. anything to get the local fire crew to come rescue us. sigh...

Kelley said...

Just look at that cake makes me hugry... I can NOT believe that Josey at the rest of it. Lucky Dog!

Shanster said...

Cheryl - yes - YUMMY!

Kelley - even the DOGS had a blast!